"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven". The first and most important beatitude? Father Francis thought so. In the Prologue of "Francis And His Lady Poverty (The Sacrum Commercium) holy poverty stands first as the foundation for all virtue and at the head of the beatitudes. Francis was greatly influenced by the Sermon On the Mount and the foundation of his teachings reflect this: "the other virtues receive the kingdom of heaven only in promise from him (Jesus); poverty, however, is already invested with it without delay." In other words, the other beatitudes shall reap their benefit while the poor in spirit receive their reward up front and forever! This emptying of self is humility and to St. Francis the greatest virtue. Two small words, "is" and "shall" in The Beatitudes show Lady Poverty's primary place in Franciscan spirituality. JMJ. Mick