My Mom left this world today. Even though her passing wasn't tragic or unexpected, I am nonetheless, having a difficult time breathing. Her life was spectacular. She was born on a farm, went to school in an old one room schoolhouse in rural Delaware, sang in nightclubs as a teenager, married my good father, and gave birth to me and my three wonderful sisters. All of this during times filled with war, illness, poverty, and abuse. Over the last year and a half her health declined and she slowly slipped into dementia. She was an ordinary person. Ordinary people can have extraordinary effects on those they touch especially when it comes to bringing the best out of others. Suffering is an obstacle for many people's faith because they can't imagine why an all powerful God would allow such pain. This is a fair question. Maybe in my Mom's case we might see a little more clearly through the bright light of God's mysterious plan. She gave me Patience. Her needs demanded that. We have the free will to accept or refuse to practice acts of love. Without those needs there is no possibility of virtue. A utopia where God would take care of all that bad stuff would end our free will and trap us in a cruel kind of slavery. There would be no love. God respects our freedom so much that he allows everyone the chance to love or not, to act selflessly or not. The value of love is realized in it's rarity and possibility of loss. If it could not be lost would it have any meaning or value? We need to be tested. Suffering can redeem us by making us virtuous people. My Mom helped facilitate my chances for a virtuous life (along with a multiplier effect on others) and for that I am truly indebted to her. Thanks Mom. Let us all remember God's promise: "... he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away." (Rev. 21:4) JMJ. Mick, OFS