In John 21: 25 he states, "But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written." This particular passage comes to mind when reading the details of Catherine Emmerich's writings and what it must have been like to see Jesus through the eyes of the people He was with duringthe three years of His ministry.Two thousand years later, as we read the new testament, we tend to see the events removed as we are, as mystical, and of course with the knowledge of what came afterwards. Blessed Emmerich describes familiar scenes with the reality of life. Perhaps this is not the exact way things were said or happened, but it must have been close. For instance, the wedding at Canaan, the baptism of
Jesus, especially the time leading up to the baptism, and peoples' reaction to Jesus as he travelled, spoke, and performed miracles. She draws connections to people and events on a very human plane. What exactly was the friendship between Jesus and Lazarus? How far back did it go? What moved people Jesus grew up with to later become his followers? Jesus ate, walked everywhere and lived life among regular people. What was the draw He had for people to make them follow Him? We know what Jesus said, but what did the Pharisees hear? We tend to think that some of His parables were delivered only once and recorded by witnesses, but He must have used the same stories over again just fitting them to the question or circumstance at hand. What was it like to be around the Human side of Jesus, then, after the Ascension, become a disciple and enthusiastically talk about it later? These questions might be best answered by using Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich's visions to put a richness into the new testament narratives, and just possibly, provide a vehicle for contemplation. POC. Bob, SFO
Jesus, especially the time leading up to the baptism, and peoples' reaction to Jesus as he travelled, spoke, and performed miracles. She draws connections to people and events on a very human plane. What exactly was the friendship between Jesus and Lazarus? How far back did it go? What moved people Jesus grew up with to later become his followers? Jesus ate, walked everywhere and lived life among regular people. What was the draw He had for people to make them follow Him? We know what Jesus said, but what did the Pharisees hear? We tend to think that some of His parables were delivered only once and recorded by witnesses, but He must have used the same stories over again just fitting them to the question or circumstance at hand. What was it like to be around the Human side of Jesus, then, after the Ascension, become a disciple and enthusiastically talk about it later? These questions might be best answered by using Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich's visions to put a richness into the new testament narratives, and just possibly, provide a vehicle for contemplation. POC. Bob, SFO